Kekkai Sensen Quotes - Kata kata bijak Kekkai Sensen
Everyone dies eventually, whether they have power or not. That's why you need to think about what you'll accomplish while you're alive.-Marry Macbeth
Semua orang akan mati pada akhirnya,tak perduli mereka mempunyai kekuatan atau tidak.Maka dari itu kamu perlu berpikir tentang apa yang akan kamu capai selama kamu masih hidup
You're not a coward. I know that because you haven't given up yet. You're standing here. As long as you face the light and take even one step, the human soul can never truly be defeated. -Klaus Von Reinherz
kamu bukanlah pengecut.aku tahu itu karena kamu belum menyerah.kamu berdiri disini.Selama kamu menghadap pada cahaya dan mengambil satu langkah,jiwa manusia tidak akan dapat benar benar dikalahkan.
Even now, twenty centuries after the death of Christ, the world is a long way from peace.-Marry Macbeth
Sampai sekarang,20 abad setelah kematian Kristus,Dunia masih jauh dari kedamaian.
Once you get used to the abnormalities, they become mundane.-Leonardo Watch
Sekali kamu sudah terbiasa dengan keabnormalan,abnormal menjadi hal yang biasa
i dont own the pics,thankyou
Rave master quotes-kata kata bijak rave master-rave master x fairy tail
If something has a strong core, it won't break. That's true for both - swords and people.
Jika sesuatu mempunyai dasar yang kuat,ia tidak akan rusak.Baik untuk pedang maupun orang
Is fighting right, or wrong? Does winning in the end mean justice? Truthfully, I don't know. But I know we must fight this battle! Or we will never save the world.
Apakah bertarung itu benar atau salah? apakah menang berarti keadilan? sebenarnya aku tidak tau.tapi aku tau kita hrus menang pertarungan ini atau kita tidak akan bisa menyelamatkan dunia
It doesn't matter what you achieve in life. It's how you live that really matters. Countless men have lost their lives in war without fulfilling their life's ambitions.
apa yang kau capai dalam hidup tidak penting.bagaimana kamu hidup adalah yang penting . banyak orang yang kehilangan hidupnya di perang tanpa memenuhi keiginannya.

some info about rave master;
-rave master is created by hiro mashima who also creating fairy tail
-plue who is lucy's gate is on this anime to as haru's pet
-hiro mashima also created an (fairy tail x ravemaster) as ova
ansatsu kyoushitsu quotes -classroom assassination quotes - kata kata bijak/mutiara ansatsu
In assassinations, deceiving people with your language is also a necessity.
dalam pembunuhan,menipu orang dengan bahasamu juga keperluan
To deceive someone, you must know your opponent.
untuk menipu orang,kamu harus mengetahui lawanmu

School and status have nothing to do with it. Whether a fish lives in a clear stream or a water ditch. So long as it continues swimming forward, it will grow up beautifully
sekolah dan status tidak penting.tidak perduli jika ikan hidup di air yang bersih ataupun kotor.selama ia tetap maju kedepan.ia akan tumbuh dengan cantik
Strength and weakness can’t be determined by sight alone.
kekuatan dan kelemahan tidak bisa di tentukan dengan pengelihatan saja
Ascertaining the difference in fighting strength… and gracefully withdrawing is also the sign of an excellent assassin.
Memastikan perbedaan dalam kekuatan berperang ... dan dengan anggun menyerah juga tanda seorang pembunuh yang baik
Sports aren’t just about winning. Having a plan for when you lose is also important.
olahraga bukan hanya tentang menang.mempunyai rencana untuk saat kau kalah juga penting
fear is a necessary element for instruction. A top-notch educator would know how to use that fear Skillfully and
efficiently. However, the Sort of teacher who can only cause fear through violence… is even less than third-rate.
Ketakutan adalah elemen yang diperlukan untuk instruksi. Sebuah pendidik terkemuka akan tahu bagaimana menggunakan rasa takut dengan penuh kemampuan dan efisien. Namun, Semacam guru yang hanya bisa menyebabkan rasa takut melalui kekerasan ... bahkan kurang dari tingkat ketiga.
If you grow accustomed to others clinging to you… Someday, you’ll be dragged down with them.
Jika Anda terbiasa dengan orang lain mengikuti Anda ... Suatu hari, Anda akan terseret dengan mereka.
Please remember that there are times to take someone’s hand and lead them along… But also times when you must be stern and let them fend for themself.
Harap diingat bahwa ada saat-saat untuk mengambil tangan seseorang dan memimpin mereka bersama ... Tapi juga saat-saat ketika Anda harus tegas dan membiarkan mereka berjuang sendiri.
If you’re going to fight, you have to shoot first and ask questions later.
Jika Anda akan untuk melawan, Anda harus menembak pertama dan bertanya kemudian.
dalam pembunuhan,menipu orang dengan bahasamu juga keperluan
To deceive someone, you must know your opponent.
untuk menipu orang,kamu harus mengetahui lawanmu
School and status have nothing to do with it. Whether a fish lives in a clear stream or a water ditch. So long as it continues swimming forward, it will grow up beautifully
sekolah dan status tidak penting.tidak perduli jika ikan hidup di air yang bersih ataupun kotor.selama ia tetap maju kedepan.ia akan tumbuh dengan cantik
Strength and weakness can’t be determined by sight alone.
kekuatan dan kelemahan tidak bisa di tentukan dengan pengelihatan saja

Memastikan perbedaan dalam kekuatan berperang ... dan dengan anggun menyerah juga tanda seorang pembunuh yang baik
Sports aren’t just about winning. Having a plan for when you lose is also important.
olahraga bukan hanya tentang menang.mempunyai rencana untuk saat kau kalah juga penting
fear is a necessary element for instruction. A top-notch educator would know how to use that fear Skillfully and
efficiently. However, the Sort of teacher who can only cause fear through violence… is even less than third-rate.
Ketakutan adalah elemen yang diperlukan untuk instruksi. Sebuah pendidik terkemuka akan tahu bagaimana menggunakan rasa takut dengan penuh kemampuan dan efisien. Namun, Semacam guru yang hanya bisa menyebabkan rasa takut melalui kekerasan ... bahkan kurang dari tingkat ketiga.
If you grow accustomed to others clinging to you… Someday, you’ll be dragged down with them.
Please remember that there are times to take someone’s hand and lead them along… But also times when you must be stern and let them fend for themself.
Harap diingat bahwa ada saat-saat untuk mengambil tangan seseorang dan memimpin mereka bersama ... Tapi juga saat-saat ketika Anda harus tegas dan membiarkan mereka berjuang sendiri.
If you’re going to fight, you have to shoot first and ask questions later.
Jika Anda akan untuk melawan, Anda harus menembak pertama dan bertanya kemudian.
CODE BLUE Quotes -JDRAMA Quotes-kata kata bijak code blue drama

the death of patient
doesnt merely involve the patient and his family
it changes a doctor's life
kematian pasien
bukan hanya meliputi pasien dan keluarganya
itu mengubah hidup dokter
for surgeons there is only talents and experience
untuk ahli bedah,hanya ada talenta dan pengalaman
doctor is not god
there really isnt that much we can do
dokter bukanlah Tuhan
tidak banyak hal yang dapat kita lakukan
you are each other rivals
kamu adalah saingan orang lain
the incompetent ones will be eliminated
yang tidak kompeten akan dieliminasi
any mistakes or hestitation on site will change the patients future
knowing your own limits is more important than improving your own skills
adanya kesalahan atau keraguan di tempay akan mengubah masa depan pasien
mengetahui limitmu itu lebih penting daripada mengasah kemampuanmu
the patients are not your guinea pigs
pasien bukanlah bahan percobaanmu
people cannot live on unless they are needed by other people
orang tidak dapat hidup kecuali mereka dibutuhkan oleh orang lain
its meaningless to be a surgeon if you cant be the best
who would want to place his life
in the hands of someone who is second or third?
menjadi ahli bedah tidak berarti jika kamu tidak dapat menjadi yang terbaik
siapa yang mau menaruh hidupnya
di tangan seseorang yang kedua atau ketiga?
there would be no doctors left if they were all sued when the results turn out bad
tidak akan ada dokter lagi jika mereka di sidang saat hasilnya buruk
a person's pain is something that others cant understand
kesakitan seseorang adalah hal yang orang lain tidak akan paham
in the world of emergencies there are no "ifs"
di dunia emergency tidak ada "jika"
humans will eventually die one day
all that a doctor can do is to lengthen the amount of time that a person can live by just a little bit
manusia akan tetap mati suatu hari
semua yang dilakukan dokter hanyalah untuk memanjangkan waktu orang tersebut dapat hidup walaupun hanya sedikit
kata kata bijak anime naruto - naruto best quotes part 1
You only live once! You need not choose an impossible path. You may live as you like, die as you like… Just… no matter what path you choose… never forget to protect those who are precious to you!” (Sarutobi Hiruzen/Sandaime)
Kamu hanya hidup sekali! Anda tidak perlu memilih jalur mustahil. Anda mungkin hidup yang Anda inginkan, mati yang Anda inginkan ... Hanya ... tidak peduli apa jalan yang Anda pilih ... pernah lupa untuk melindungi mereka yang berharga untuk Anda! "(Sarutobi Hiruzen / Sandaime)
"Everything that has a form, a time will rot" (Orochimaru)
”Semua yang memiliki bentuk, suatu saat akan membusuk” (Orochimaru)
”The power to believe in yourself… That becomes the power that changes destiny” (Genma Shiranui)
"Kekuatan untuk percaya pada diri sendiri ... Itu menjadi kekuatan yang mengubah takdir" (Genma Shiranui)
”When captured birds grow wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks. They don’t give up, because they want to fly again” (Genma Shiranui/wasit Naruto-Neji)
"Ketika burung ditangkap tumbuh lebih bijaksana, mereka mencoba untuk membuka kandang dengan paruh mereka. Mereka tidak menyerah, karena mereka ingin terbang lagi "(Genma Shiranui / Wasit Naruto-Neji)
”If you want to kill me, curse me, hate me, live your ugly life, run and run, cling to your life” (Uchiha Itachi)
"Jika Anda ingin membunuhku, mengutuk saya, benci aku, hidup jelek Anda, menjalankan dan menjalankan, berpegang teguh pada hidup Anda" (Uchiha Itachi)
”There is no point in training hard if you do not believe in yourself” (Gai Maito)
"Tidak ada gunanya berlatih keras jika Anda tidak percaya pada diri sendiri" (Gai Maito)

"Someday we also have to be a person who is entrusted, no longer the person who entrusted, if you want to be cool shinobi like Asuma or Kakashi" (Shikamaru Nara)
”Suatu saat nanti kita juga harus menjadi orang yang dipercayakan, bukan lagi orang yang mempercayakan, kalau mau jadi shinobi keren seperti Guru Asuma atau Guru Kakashi” (Shikamaru Nara)
”If you’re shinobi, then fight with knowledge of your surroundings” ( Shikamaru Nara)
"Jika Anda shinobi, kemudian bertarung dengan pengetahuan tentang lingkungan Anda" (Shikamaru Nara)
”Protect whatever is important to you with these two arms, no matter how tough or sad it is, even if it costs you your life” (Kaiza)
"Lindungi apa pun yang penting bagi Anda dengan kedua lengan, tidak peduli seberapa keras atau sedih itu, bahkan jika biaya Anda hidup Anda" (Kaiza)
Kamu hanya hidup sekali! Anda tidak perlu memilih jalur mustahil. Anda mungkin hidup yang Anda inginkan, mati yang Anda inginkan ... Hanya ... tidak peduli apa jalan yang Anda pilih ... pernah lupa untuk melindungi mereka yang berharga untuk Anda! "(Sarutobi Hiruzen / Sandaime)
"Everything that has a form, a time will rot" (Orochimaru)
”Semua yang memiliki bentuk, suatu saat akan membusuk” (Orochimaru)
”The power to believe in yourself… That becomes the power that changes destiny” (Genma Shiranui)
"Kekuatan untuk percaya pada diri sendiri ... Itu menjadi kekuatan yang mengubah takdir" (Genma Shiranui)
”When captured birds grow wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks. They don’t give up, because they want to fly again” (Genma Shiranui/wasit Naruto-Neji)
"Ketika burung ditangkap tumbuh lebih bijaksana, mereka mencoba untuk membuka kandang dengan paruh mereka. Mereka tidak menyerah, karena mereka ingin terbang lagi "(Genma Shiranui / Wasit Naruto-Neji)
”If you want to kill me, curse me, hate me, live your ugly life, run and run, cling to your life” (Uchiha Itachi)
"Jika Anda ingin membunuhku, mengutuk saya, benci aku, hidup jelek Anda, menjalankan dan menjalankan, berpegang teguh pada hidup Anda" (Uchiha Itachi)
”There is no point in training hard if you do not believe in yourself” (Gai Maito)
"Tidak ada gunanya berlatih keras jika Anda tidak percaya pada diri sendiri" (Gai Maito)
"Someday we also have to be a person who is entrusted, no longer the person who entrusted, if you want to be cool shinobi like Asuma or Kakashi" (Shikamaru Nara)
”Suatu saat nanti kita juga harus menjadi orang yang dipercayakan, bukan lagi orang yang mempercayakan, kalau mau jadi shinobi keren seperti Guru Asuma atau Guru Kakashi” (Shikamaru Nara)
”If you’re shinobi, then fight with knowledge of your surroundings” ( Shikamaru Nara)
"Jika Anda shinobi, kemudian bertarung dengan pengetahuan tentang lingkungan Anda" (Shikamaru Nara)
”Protect whatever is important to you with these two arms, no matter how tough or sad it is, even if it costs you your life” (Kaiza)
"Lindungi apa pun yang penting bagi Anda dengan kedua lengan, tidak peduli seberapa keras atau sedih itu, bahkan jika biaya Anda hidup Anda" (Kaiza)
Top 10 J Drama
its my own opinion so you are free to disaggre
Source :
pics credits to the owners
1.Nobuta wo produce
Nobuta wo Produce (野ブタ。をプロデュース Nobuta o Purodyūsu?) is a Japanese television drama produced and aired in 2005 by NTV. The television show is based on the book of the same name by Gen Shiraiwa . The story follows the high school lives of Kiritani and Kusano as they attempt to make a shy Kotani into the most popular girl in school.
Main Role : Kamenashi Kazuya,Yamashita Tomohisa,Horikita Maki
2.Yamato nadeshiko shichi henge
The Wallflower,j-drama born from manga series written by Tomoko Hayakawa
In the 18th issue of Bessatsu Friend, it was announced that a live action drama adaption of the manga has been green-lit for airing in January 2009. On November 30, the cast was announced for the live action drama.[8] Actor and member of the J-pop group KAT-TUN, Kazuya Kamenashi stars as Kyohei, while actress Aya Ōmasa plays the lead role as Sunako. This is broadcast on TBS with the opening theme, KAT-TUN's "Love Yourself (Kimi ga Kirai na Kimi ga Suki)." They added one more main character, Nakahara Takeru, the landlady's son.
3.Liar game
Akiyama Shinichi a genius swindler that help Kanzaki nao in the liar game
Operation Love (プロポーズ大作戦 Puropōzu Daisakusen?) is a Japanese TV drama series that was aired on Fuji TV. The series started on April 16, 2007 and ended with 11 episodes on June 24, 2007. A special (SP) aired on March 25, 2008.
Ken Iwase is at his friend, Rei Yoshida's, marriage ceremony. However, he still loves her and regrets not having confessed his feelings towards her. A fairy lets him travel back in time and try one more time to get Rei's heart.

The series has been adapted as three different television series: as an award-winning live-action drama that aired in 2006 followed by a sequel television special that aired in January 2008, and as an anime series spanning three seasons with the first one broadcast in 2007, the second one in 2008 and the third one aired in 2010.[1] Two live-action movie sequels to the television drama, with the same actors, were produced with release dates of 18 December 2009 and April 2010.[2] In addition, several soundtrack albums of classical music have been released, as well as three video games.
6.Yukan Club
Yūkan Club (Japanese: 有閑倶楽部 Hepburn: Yūkan Kurabu?, lit. "The Leisure Club") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated byYukari Ichijo. It is serialized in Shueisha's Bessatsu Margaret. Yūkan Club received the 1986 Kodansha Manga Award for the shōjocategory.[1] The manga was adapted into an original video animation by Madhouse Studios. It was also adapted into a Japanese television drama.
7.Hana yori dango
Hana Yori Dango (花より男子?, lit. "Dango [Preferred] over Flowers") is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated byYoko Kamio. The story is set in Eitoku Academy, an elite school for children from rich families. It follows lead protagonist Tsukushi Makino, a student from a working-class family, and the members of Eitoku Academy's elite Flower Four, commonly known as the "F4".Hana Yori Dango was serialized in Shueisha's bi-weekly Margaret magazine from October 1992 to September 2003, and was collected into 37 tankōbon volumes. The manga has been adapted into a 51-episode anime series (which closely follows the manga) and an anime film. The manga has been licensed by Viz Media for publication in the United States. The manga series has also been adapted into live-action television drama series in Japan, Taiwan and Korea it was also adapted into two live-action films.Boys Over Flowers won the 41st Shogakukan Manga Award for Shōjo.[1] Hana Yori Dango is also the best-selling shōjo manga in Japan of all time, having sold 54 million copies as of 2005.[2]
8.Buzzer beat
Hana-Kimi or known originally as Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (花ざかりの君たちへ?, For You in Full Blossom) in Japan, is a shōjomanga series written by Hisaya Nakajo. The manga was serialized in Japan in Hakusensha's semi-monthly shōjo manga magazine,Hana to Yume. This manga series has ended with volume 23 in August 2004 in Japan.
1 Litre no Namida (1リットルの涙?, lit. "1 Litre of Tears"; also called A Diary with Tears or A Diary of Tears) is a Japanesetelevision drama for Fuji Television about a girl who was diagnosed with an incurable degenerative disease at 15, but was able to continue her life until her death at the age of 25.
its my own opinion so you are free to disaggre
Source :
pics credits to the owners

Nobuta wo Produce (野ブタ。をプロデュース Nobuta o Purodyūsu?) is a Japanese television drama produced and aired in 2005 by NTV. The television show is based on the book of the same name by Gen Shiraiwa . The story follows the high school lives of Kiritani and Kusano as they attempt to make a shy Kotani into the most popular girl in school.
Main Role : Kamenashi Kazuya,Yamashita Tomohisa,Horikita Maki
2.Yamato nadeshiko shichi henge
The Wallflower,j-drama born from manga series written by Tomoko Hayakawa
In the 18th issue of Bessatsu Friend, it was announced that a live action drama adaption of the manga has been green-lit for airing in January 2009. On November 30, the cast was announced for the live action drama.[8] Actor and member of the J-pop group KAT-TUN, Kazuya Kamenashi stars as Kyohei, while actress Aya Ōmasa plays the lead role as Sunako. This is broadcast on TBS with the opening theme, KAT-TUN's "Love Yourself (Kimi ga Kirai na Kimi ga Suki)." They added one more main character, Nakahara Takeru, the landlady's son.
3.Liar game
Liar Game was adapted into a Japanese television series: Liar Game, a 2007 Fuji series broadcast, followed in 2009 by Liar Game: Season 2. In 2010, the full-length film Liar Game: The Final Stage was released as a continuation of the TV series. A sequel, entitled Liar Game: Reborn, was released in 2012.[4]
A 2014 Korean drama adaptation also titled Liar Game is airing on cable channel tvN.
4.Proposal daisakusenOperation Love (プロポーズ大作戦 Puropōzu Daisakusen?) is a Japanese TV drama series that was aired on Fuji TV. The series started on April 16, 2007 and ended with 11 episodes on June 24, 2007. A special (SP) aired on March 25, 2008.

In each episode, Ken travels to each photo that will appear in the slideshow that Mikio made, so that he can correct his regrets in each photo.
5.Nodame Cantabile
The series has been adapted as three different television series: as an award-winning live-action drama that aired in 2006 followed by a sequel television special that aired in January 2008, and as an anime series spanning three seasons with the first one broadcast in 2007, the second one in 2008 and the third one aired in 2010.[1] Two live-action movie sequels to the television drama, with the same actors, were produced with release dates of 18 December 2009 and April 2010.[2] In addition, several soundtrack albums of classical music have been released, as well as three video games.
6.Yukan Club
7.Hana yori dango
Buzzer Beat (ブザー・ビート~崖っぷちのヒーロー Buzā Bīto~Gakeppuchi no Hero?) is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama, which stars Yamashita Tomohisa, Keiko Kitagawa, and Aibu Saki.
The series primarily focuses on two characters, Naoki Kamiya (Yamashita Tomohisa), a professional basketball player, and Riko Shirakawa (Keiko Kitagawa), an aspiring violinist. Over the course of the series Naoki faces difficulties trying to succeed in the world of basketball, and Riko struggles to become a successful violinist. Eventually the two meet and the series chronicles their relationship and struggles, as well as those of their friends.
9.Hana Kimi
Hana-Kimi was published in English by Viz Media with the final volume released in the United States in April 2008.
The series centers on Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl who lives in the United States. One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Izumi Sano. She begins to idolize the young athlete and eventually transfers to Japan to attend the same school that Sano attends. There is a catch, however: Sano attends an all-boys high school, named Osaka Gakuen and Mizuki must disguise herself as a boy to enter.
10.One liter of tears