Posted by : AA October 05, 2014

Oguri Shun plays Hyuga Toru, an affluent man whose personality is on the contrary, speckled with flaws. A CEO of an IT firm who is published on Forbes as a billionaire, Toru attained his fortune through chance and pure luck. A woman who meets Toru and eventually becomes attracted to him is Sawaki Chihiro, played by Ishihara Satomi. Chihiro is a hardworking college student at Tokyo University who has prepared for her future as much as she possibly could through studies and obtaining licenses. Despite her efforts, she has yet to land a job. Upon meeting Toru, she begins to unravel a genuine pureness inside him and solitude resulting from such pureness, which eventually draws her closer to him. The two repeatedly conflict each other, but little by little learn about one another to grow and develop together.
Despite the worldwide recession and financial difficulties, there are people like Mark Zuckerberg who began work from merely an apartment room or a garage that end up growing to be companies generating over ten billion dollars revenues after merely 10 years or so, embracing their new found wealth by living the dream life. Whether it's a game or application software, Ecommerce, or other IT related firm, there are more than a few who rose in fame to such status in recent years. On the other hand, Japan's unemployment rate for new grads dropped to a record low and those who want to work are unable to, or their wishes to work at their company of choice is not granted.
A Cinderella story of the real world. Will the two be able to compromise their values and lifestyles to become a happy couple? 

Main Actors 
Oguri Shun as Hyuga Tohru
Ishihara Satomi as Makoto Natsui and fake sawaki chihiro
Aibu Saki as Asahina Yoko
Iura Arata as Asahina Kosuke


"When you try out something new, you will face many hardships and obstacles which make you suffer
but it's only then that true innovation begins." - Natsui Makoto

ketika kamu mencoba sesuatu yang baru,kamu akan menghadapi banyak kesulitan dan rintangan yang membuatmu menderita tetapi setelah itulah baru inovasi dimulai

Money is everhthing
We will do anything for it,yet
We wont sell our soul - Hyuga Tohru

Uang adalah segalanya 
Kita akan melakukan apapun untuk mendapatkanya,tapi
kita tidak akan menjual hidup kita

Make the miracle happen 

Buat keajaiban itu terjadi

Even one person can change the world
Make the imposible possible - Hyuga Tohru

Bahkan satu orang dapat mengubah dunia
Buat yang tidak mungkin,mungkin

Together we can do it

Bersama sama kita dapat melakukanya

we will never let you down

kita tidak akan pernah membiarkanmu muram

Fight so it doesnt end this way

Bertarunglah supaya tidak berakir begini

The end is the next beginning

Akir adalah awal yang lain

Why did Graham Bell Invent the telephone? In fact I don’t know. But what I think, He wanted to hear The voice of his distant lover Or his mother was always worried about him. She needed to hear him to be reassured. For the same reason We can attach a photo to an email. You’re not with someone, But you look at the same photo and laugh. This is why it was invented. At the heart of IT, You always find the human element.  And for you too guys, If there’s a person you care about. There is the drive to create for someone’s sake. Right here, The next innovation Starts right from your heart”- Tohru Hyuga (CEO’s NEXT INNOVATION)

Kenapa Graham bell membuat telepon?sebenarnya saya tidak tahu.tapi menurut apa yang aku pikirkan,dia ingin mendengar suara pacarnya yang jauh atau ibunya yang selalu kawatir tentangnya.dia perlu mendengar suaranya agar tenang.Dengan alasan yang sama kira dapat memasukan photo ke email.Kau tidak dengan seseorang,tetapi kau sapat melihat ke foto yang sama dan tertawa.inilah mengapa dibuat.Di dalam hati IT,kamu akan selalu menemukan elemen manusia.Dan buat kalian semua,Jika ada orang yang kamu sayangi.Ada drive untuk dibuat demi orang lain.Disini,Inovasi selanjutnya dimulai dari hatimu

credits to : and many others

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