Archive for July 2015
Rave master quotes-kata kata bijak rave master-rave master x fairy tail
If something has a strong core, it won't break. That's true for both - swords and people.
Jika sesuatu mempunyai dasar yang kuat,ia tidak akan rusak.Baik untuk pedang maupun orang
Is fighting right, or wrong? Does winning in the end mean justice? Truthfully, I don't know. But I know we must fight this battle! Or we will never save the world.
Apakah bertarung itu benar atau salah? apakah menang berarti keadilan? sebenarnya aku tidak tau.tapi aku tau kita hrus menang pertarungan ini atau kita tidak akan bisa menyelamatkan dunia
It doesn't matter what you achieve in life. It's how you live that really matters. Countless men have lost their lives in war without fulfilling their life's ambitions.
apa yang kau capai dalam hidup tidak penting.bagaimana kamu hidup adalah yang penting . banyak orang yang kehilangan hidupnya di perang tanpa memenuhi keiginannya.

some info about rave master;
-rave master is created by hiro mashima who also creating fairy tail
-plue who is lucy's gate is on this anime to as haru's pet
-hiro mashima also created an (fairy tail x ravemaster) as ova